Red Sangria

Are you ready for summer and parties? I’m ready. I’m ready for the smell of grilling meat, good friends, my garden aglow with white twinkling lights, and bowls of guacamole on the table. I’m ready for Citronella candles; their flame lazily dancing while chatting with my friends. I’m ready to be barefoot. With a glass of sangria in my hand. I’m ready for warm summer breezes and the sound of laughter from children as they run around my yard. With a glass of sangria in my hand. I’m ready for a full blown fiesta. With a glass of sangria in my hand. Invite some friends over, make some sangria (lots of it) and have a par-tay. Invite over some new friends, maybe some neighbors you’ve been too lazy to get to know.

I dare ya. I double dog dare ya.

If you do- just make sure to hand them a glass of this conversation starter; smile and you’re all set. It’s really all you need. Okay, maybe a couple more bowls of guac and you’re good to go and scoops; don’t forget the scoops. Sangria, guacamole and scoops. Does it get better than that?

Red Sangria

(makes about 10 cups)

2 bottles red wine (merlot, zinfandel- what ever you like)

3/4 Cup brandy

1/2 Cup triple sec

Two large oranges; squeezed

3/4 Cup simple syrup* (see recipe below)

One large orange sliced; then cut into smaller pieces

One red apple chopped (gala, fuji; something not too sweet)

1. Make the simple syrup: In a glass measuring cup place 3/4 Cup water and 3/4 cup granulated sugar; heat on high in the microwave for one minute until sugar dissolves. Let cool. You will have some leftover. Simple syrup is great for sweetening ice tea or other beverages etc. Store in fridge.

2. In a large glass pitcher; place all the ingredients and stir to combine well. Chill for 2 hours or longer. It gets better with age! Serve chilled.

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