Strawberry Mojito


I think we should just make Mondays Mojito Day and be done with it. You can thank me now. Mind you; this has to start of course at 5:30 Pm, or when you hit the front door.  Today I hit the front door at promptly 5:45 Pm and yes the mojito was made BEFORE DINNER. Somethings take priority and yes, the dog can wait if it was a particularly painful Monday. Fido will understand when he sees you chillin. Just remind your husband [ahem] not to weed wack the nice pile of mint you have growing in the backyard. Yes, I know the weed wacker can be fun. Yes, I know you can’t tell mint from a weed. Listen up husbands with weed wackers- soon you will be hip to the properties of fine mint once you taste this bad boy!  It’s officially summer now and all the components are ripe for the picking. Fresh mint, limes and strawberries with a little libation thrown in. Mondays are a bit too painful sometimes and you need something to kill the pain. Today was one of those days. Rum beats advil any old day in my book. Bottoms up.

Strawberry Mojito

1 Tbsp. sugar

9 fresh mint leaves

2 shots white rum

3 Tbsp. diced strawberries

1 shot fresh lime juice

seltzer water

ice cubes

Muddle the mint leaves with the sugar in a glass. Fill the glass half way with ice cubes. Add the rum, strawberries, and lime juice. Add enough seltzer water to fill the glass, stir well. Garnish with a strawberry and mint sprig. Serve chilled.

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